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Healthy Halloween Tips: Eczema Edition

Healthy Halloween Tips for eczema

Spooky season is upon us and if your little one struggles with eczema, there's more to fear than just goblins and ghosts. With Halloween comes the obvious deluge of sugary treats as well as dry, cold weather and (perhaps most unavoidable) synthetic costumes. Here we'll walk you through some of our top tips for keeping eczema babes comfortable and flare-free during the most spooktastic week of the year. 


1. Reduce sugar consumption

Sugar is a major eczema trigger, so we suggest enjoying sweet treats but keeping the overall amount to a minimum. There are plenty of tactics to try, and some of our favorites come from Dr. Organic Mommy.

  • Consider swapping out the lowest quality candy (especially treats containing color dyes and high fructose corn syrup) for healthier treats. Some of our favorite brands of higher quality candy include Unreal, Yum Earth, and Solely fruit gummies.
  • Introduce the "Candy Fairy" where your child can swap candy for a small toy. Yes, you'll need to get the toys first!
  • Keep candy in a designated jar out of reach to prevent mindless binges. Bonus tip: less sugar crashes and meltdowns!
  • Consider donating extra candy to a good cause. Because it's never too early to model generosity. 

    YumEarth candy

        2. Employ a trick-or-treat skincare routine 

        Heading out for a fun-filled evening canvassing for tricks and treats? Prep that skin first! Because cold, windy weather can be a moisture-sapper, make sure to moisturize your child's exposed skin before heading out. It doesn't have the cleanest ingredients, but sometimes Cerave or Aquaphor Healing Ointment are exactly what the doctor ordered to keep your little dumpling dewy.

        If your child is dealing with moderate to severe eczema, skip the face paint completely. For milder cases, consider a non-toxic faint paint like Earth Paints.


        3. Use Synthetics Smartly

        Let's face it: most Halloween costumes are made with polyester, a known irritant and eczema trigger. It's understandable that parents want affordable costumes as whims change and little limbs grow quickly. Depending on your child's age (defiant 3 year old vs. 18 month old) we've found that smart layering can protect sensitive skin from synthetics. Our tactic: layering Nui Organics merino base layer underneath a synthetic bee costume. There's a lot to love about this approach because not only does it keep your little one warm and comfortable (thanks to merino's thermoregulation), it also helps avoid the itchy and almost instant reaction to polyester. Win win!


        Healthy Halloween tips for eczema Nui Organics

        Another tip: try to save the costume for Halloween. Wearing a full polyester Spider Man suit for a few hours is a very different trigger risk than wearing it on a weekly basis. Keep the costumes hidden away (not in the dress up bin) until your kid's eczema is really under control. 


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